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How Mary Mouser Fought Diabetes and Trolls to Shine in Cobra Kai’s Latest Season

How Mary Mouser Fought Diabetes and Trolls to Shine in Cobra Kai's Latest Season

Mary Mouser has long been a familiar face in the entertainment industry, beginning her career as a child actor and showcasing her talents in various television and film roles. Yet, it was her role in the beloved martial arts series “Cobra Kai” that catapulted her to stardom. Mouser’s portrayal of Samantha LaRusso not only won the hearts of viewers but also marked her as a breakout star in the continuation of the iconic Karate Kid saga.

Behind the scenes, however, Mouser’s journey has been filled with personal challenges. Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the tender age of 13, the diagnosis initially overwhelmed the young actress. Despite the fear and the significant impact it had on her life, Mouser did not let this halt her ambitions. Her resilience in managing her condition, especially with the aid of a Tandem insulin pump—of which she is now an ambassador—highlights her determination.

Battling Diabetes and Trolls

Battling On and Off Screen: The Physical Demands of Cobra Kai

The role of Samantha LaRusso is both physically demanding and emotionally taxing, requiring Mouser to perform numerous intricate fight scenes that are central to “Cobra Kai’s” appeal. Despite sometimes ending up with bruises—often self-inflicted due to her self-proclaimed clumsiness—Mouser has consistently risen to the challenge, bringing authenticity and vigor to her performances.

“I’ve had a couple of injuries, all pretty much completely on my own. Messed myself up. Mis-blocked a kick… Had to go to the ER but I was all clear, all good! Then I fought the whole next day and did all the episode 10 of season 2 fight. The next day after that I messed up my own ankle, rolling out of bed weird. And, yeah, just ridiculous things like that! I’m very often covered in bruises while filming this show. Most of them completely self-inflicted,” Mouser shared about the physical trials she faced while filming.

Unwavering Support Amidst Criticism

Despite her impressive achievements, Mouser has not been immune to the harshness of online trolls who have targeted her with body-shaming comments. However, her fans have fiercely defended her, emphasizing her beauty and her strength in facing both her health challenges and her demanding role.

Mary Mouser Conquers Challenges

“It’s wrong no matter, even if she was overweight! Which she definitely isn’t. Mary Mouser is beautiful and has a great body for someone with type 1 diabetes. Her life isn’t easy with what she has to deal with,” tweeted a supportive fan.

Others have pointed out the absurdity and cruelty of body shaming.

“People are cruel to even go around body shaming people. Mary doesn’t owe anyone a damn thing to anyone. She’s not here to please anyone but herself. I bet half of them are not as in shape as she is doing those fight scenes in Cobra Kai,” another fan stated, highlighting Mouser’s fitness and dedication.

Cobra Kai Star Prevails

Looking Forward: What’s Next for Mary Mouser?

As “Cobra Kai” prepares to wrap up with its sixth and final season, fans are eager to see how Mouser’s character arc concludes and what future projects will follow for the actress. Her journey through the series not only showcases her growth as an actor but also stands as a testament to her perseverance and ability to inspire those around her.

Mouser’s narrative is one of triumph over adversity, marked by professional success and personal bravery. Her story resonates with many, proving that with determination and support, challenges can be transformed into stepping stones for greater achievements.

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