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How ‘The Boys’ Season 4 Turns Superhero Clichés Upside Down with Its Clever Humor and Dark Twists

How 'The Boys' Season 4 Turns Superhero Clichés Upside Down with Its Clever Humor and Dark Twists

“The Boys,” the much-acclaimed series by Eric Kripke, has redefined the superhero genre with its unapologetically dark humor and sharp social commentary. In its fourth season, the show not only intensifies its critique of the superhero culture but also cleverly weaves in commercial satire, making it a must-watch for fans and critics alike.

Superheroes Like Never Before

A Satirical Spin on Advertising in the Superhero World

In a bold move that blurs the lines between fiction and reality, “The Boys” introduces a new storyline featuring Colby Minifie’s character, Ashley Barrett. Once a mere publicist at Vought, the fictional mega-corporation in the series, Ashley has risen to the position of CEO, grappling with the immense pressures that come with such power. Her character’s struggle with Trichotillomania—an anxiety-induced condition that leads her to pull out her hair—is a poignant symbol of her internal turmoil.

This season, “The Boys” takes a meta-approach by having Ashley promote a line of hair-care products called Voughtality. The campaign is depicted with a tongue-in-cheek commercial that not only highlights her condition but also pokes fun at the absurdity of using personal struggles to market products. The ad asks viewers if their job makes them want to pull their hair out, offering Voughtality products as a solution—not just to hair loss, but to financial and existential woes.

The Darker Side of Power and Survival in Vought

Colby Minifie’s portrayal of Ashley reveals layers of fear and ambition intertwined with her survival instinct. In a revealing interview with, Minifie discusses the complexities of her character’s decision to remain with Vought. Despite the ethical dilemmas and the moral decay she witnesses, Ashley stays, driven by a profound fear of Homelander—the show’s terrifying antagonist—who could potentially kill her if she leaves.

Humor and Darkness Collide

“I think there are many reasons to stay at Vought, but one of them is that if she were to leave, she knows too much, she’d probably die. Homelander would probably find her immediately and kill her in a horrible way,” Minifie explains.

This stark realization keeps Ashley tethered to her position, showcasing the show’s deeper commentary on power, fear, and the lengths individuals will go to preserve their lives.

Why “The Boys” Season 4 Is a Must-Watch

Season 4 of “The Boys” offers more than just superhero battles; it provides a critical look at the commercialization of personal struggles and the moral compromises individuals make in the pursuit of power. The show’s ability to mix horror with humor, while delivering biting satire, cements its place as a standout series in the realm of television. With each episode, viewers are left both entertained and reflective, pondering the real-world implications of the show’s themes.

Season 4 Breaks All Rules

“The Boys” proves once again that it is not just about superheroes but about the human condition, making it a seminal work in the landscape of modern TV series. Whether you’re in it for the thrills, the laughs, or the social critique, Season 4 delivers on all fronts, making it a compelling watch for anyone who enjoys a show that challenges the norm and makes you think twice about the heroes you cheer for.

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