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John Malkovich’s Bold Suggestion to Make ‘Being John Malkovich’ About Tom Cruise, How a Surprising Choice Shaped Hollywood’s Most Unique Comedy

John Malkovich's Bold Suggestion to Make 'Being John Malkovich' About Tom Cruise: How a Surprising Choice Shaped Hollywood's Most Unique Comedy

In a world where Hollywood often plays it safe, one film that broke all the norms and became a cult classic is Being John Malkovich. The 1999 fantasy comedy is not only remembered for its bizarre plot but also for its unique portrayal of the Hollywood star John Malkovich, who plays a satirical version of himself. However, the film’s journey from script to screen wasn’t straightforward, and in a surprising twist, Malkovich himself initially proposed that the film should be about none other than Tom Cruise.

The Surprising Malkovich Choice

A Satirical Gem That Almost Wasn’t About John Malkovich

John Malkovich, known for his eclectic choice of roles, is one of Hollywood’s most respected actors. Yet, even he was taken aback when he first encountered the script for Being John Malkovich. Written by the visionary screenwriter Charlie Kaufman, the film tells the story of a puppeteer who discovers a portal into Malkovich’s mind, leading to a series of surreal and comedic escapades. The idea was as peculiar as it was original, but Malkovich wasn’t immediately sold on the concept.

In a candid interview with The Independent, Malkovich shared his initial reaction to the script:

He questioned why the film focused on him, suggesting instead that it might be more commercially viable if it starred a more mainstream icon like Cruise. Malkovich’s doubt about the film’s potential success was evident, as he admitted:

“To be honest, I never actually thought that it would get made.”

The Reluctant Star and the Visionary Director

Charlie Kaufman’s script for Being John Malkovich had already faced numerous rejections before landing in Malkovich’s hands. It wasn’t until the script reached the legendary filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola that Spike Jonze was brought on board to direct. Despite the unconventional nature of the project, Jonze had a clear vision and was adamant about casting Malkovich in the lead role.

Spike Jonze later revealed that there was no backup plan if Malkovich declined the part:

Jonze stated, despite pressure from producers to consider other actors. The director acknowledged the skepticism surrounding the casting, particularly given that Malkovich himself had questioned why the role wasn’t given to a more universally recognized star like Tom Cruise. Yet, Jonze was unwavering in his belief that Malkovich was the perfect fit for the film’s offbeat narrative.

How Malkovich Shaped Comedy

Malkovich’s Bold Move: A Risky Yet Rewarding Decision

For Malkovich, taking on the role was a significant gamble. The actor was aware that having his name not only in the credits but also in the film’s title meant that the movie’s success or failure would be intimately tied to him. Jonze recalled a moment on set that highlighted the absurdity of the situation. During a break between takes, Malkovich, wearing nothing but a blanket, was explaining the plot to a friend. It was at that moment Jonze realized how:

it was for Malkovich to have agreed to the film in the first place.

The risk paid off, and Being John Malkovich went on to receive critical acclaim, earning three Oscar nominations and solidifying its place in cinematic history. Malkovich himself expressed satisfaction with the outcome, despite his initial reservations.

Why Being John Malkovich Will Always Be a One-of-a-Kind Film

In retrospect, the decision to focus the film on John Malkovich rather than a more universally popular figure like Tom Cruise was a stroke of genius. It allowed the film to explore themes of identity, fame, and the nature of consciousness in a way that might not have been possible with a different actor at its center. Malkovich’s willingness to embrace the absurdity of the script and Jonze’s commitment to his vision resulted in a film that is both unique and enduring.

Malkovich’s Tom Cruise Twist

Being John Malkovich remains a testament to the power of original storytelling in Hollywood—a film where the risk of failure was high, but the reward was a movie that continues to be celebrated for its creativity and boldness. And while the idea of Being Tom Cruise might have seemed more commercially viable, it’s hard to imagine the film having the same impact without the enigmatic presence of John Malkovich at its heart.

This article not only highlights the fascinating backstory behind Being John Malkovich but also serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of the film industry. Malkovich’s initial doubts and Jonze’s unwavering vision came together to create something truly special—an enduring piece of cinema that, ironically, might never have existed if it weren’t for the actor’s own skepticism.

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