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Sony Starts Work on New ‘Men in Black’ Movie; Will Smith May Return [EXCLUSIVE]

Sony Begins Work On New Men In Black Movie, Will Smith Can Be Back [EXCLUSIVE]

Exciting news for ‘Men In Black’ fans! According to our reliable sources, Sony has already begun working on a new ‘Men In Black’ movie, potentially starring Will Smith. The script for the latest installment of this iconic franchise is currently being finalized.

The scoop further suggests that Sony is determined to fix the flaws of Men In Black: International. After the debacle of the 2019 movie, Sony has learned their lesson, and now they are keen to bring in Will Smith for the upcoming movie. The executives believe that Will Smith’s exclusion was one of the major reasons for the poor response to the last movie.

Sony learnt a lesson hard and now they are keen to bring in Will Smith for the upcoming movie.
Our sources could not confirm if Sony has approached Will Smith yet, but they did confirm that Sony definitely plans to do so sooner rather than later. Smith’s absence in MIB: International, a trend in spin-offs, left fans wondering about his potential involvement in future projects. Securing Smith’s participation could undoubtedly bolster the marketing efforts for the upcoming film.

Currently, the script for the latest movie of the iconic franchise series is being finalised.
While anticipation builds among fans for another Men In Black installment featuring Smith, it’s crucial to acknowledge the challenges faced by MIB: International. The film’s lackluster storyline, riddled with illogical sequences, led to its underwhelming reception. The absence of the trademark humor characteristic of MIB movies, coupled with the tepid chemistry between Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson, failed to sustain audience interest.

Sony is keenly aware of these critical shortcomings and is likely strategizing to reincorporate the beloved elements that characterized the franchise’s earlier triumphs. Despite MIB: International’s global box office gross of $254 million, the film was marred by highly publicized conflicts between director Gray and producer Parkes, casting a shadow over its financial success.

Securing Smith’s participation could undoubtedly bolster the marketing efforts for the upcoming film.
Gray’s escalating frustration with Parkes’ ubiquitous involvement in creative decision-making even reached a tipping point, prompting him to tender multiple resignation attempts. Despite these challenges, Sony employed persuasive tactics to retain Gray’s services, ensuring his continued involvement in steering the project forward.

With no director or writer officially announced yet, the focus remains on script development. Sony is undoubtedly keen to avoid past missteps, prompting speculation about their efforts to secure Smith’s return and the potential commencement of filming. Stay tuned to InsiderFandom for the latest industry insights and updates.

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