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Why Kevin Feige Won’t Let Spider-Man and Captain Marvel Have a Romance in the MCU, The Bizarre Comic Book Storyline That Will Never Make It to Film

Why Kevin Feige Won't Let Spider-Man and Captain Marvel Have a Romance in the MCU: The Bizarre Comic Book Storyline That Will Never Make It to Film

Marvel fans love to indulge in all kinds of wild character pairings, but some ideas seem too outlandish even for the most imaginative among us. One such unexpected duo that has sparked curiosity is Spider-Man and Captain Marvel. While Peter Parker and Carol Danvers share some romantic history in Marvel Comics, this is one storyline that Marvel Studios’ President Kevin Feige is unlikely to bring to the big screen.

Comic Book Pairing Rejected

The Unlikely Comic Book Romance: Spider-Man and Captain Marvel

For those who stick strictly to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), the thought of Tom Holland’s Peter Parker wooing Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel might seem downright bizarre. However, Marvel Comics fans know that this peculiar pairing isn’t a figment of someone’s wild imagination—it actually happened.

In the ninth issue of Avenging Spider-Man, a 2012 Marvel Comics series, Spider-Man and Captain Marvel find themselves fighting crime side by side. Carol Danvers, who has lost her powers, teams up with Peter Parker, leading to an unexpected twist—Spider-Man develops a crush on his new partner.

Peter, never one to back down from a challenge, decides to ask Carol out on a date. After some hesitation (and a well-placed knee where it hurts), she agrees. The pair goes on a few dates, but their romance is short-lived. Carol ultimately decides not to pursue a relationship with Peter, though the two remain comrades-in-arms.

Their bond is further explored when they face off against Venom, who, after bonding with Captain Marvel, senses her complicated feelings for Peter. In typical Spider-Man fashion, Peter teases Carol about her feelings, prompting her to reply with a simple but effective, “Shut up.”

Why This Romance Won’t Fly in the MCU

So, why won’t we see this unusual love story in the MCU? The answer lies in the creative direction and overarching vision that Kevin Feige has set for these films. While the MCU has successfully adapted a wide range of storylines from the comics, certain plot points are deemed too far-fetched or out-of-character for the cinematic versions of these heroes.

Spider-Man and Captain Marvel Romance

Spider-Man and Captain Marvel are two of the most beloved characters in the MCU, each with their own distinct arcs and identities. Forcing a romantic storyline between them could feel unnatural and disrupt the narrative flow that the films have carefully built over the years. Moreover, both characters occupy very different spaces within the MCU’s universe, making a crossover of this nature feel forced and unnecessary.

While some fans might enjoy seeing Peter Parker’s “spider-rizz” charm work its magic on Carol Danvers, the general consensus seems to be that this is one storyline best left to the pages of comic books.

Fan Reactions: Rizz of a Lifetime or Just Plain Weird?

When a YouTube Shorts video posted by the ‘@ComicsUnlocked’ channel highlighted this short-lived romance, Marvel fans had plenty to say. Many were amused by the idea of Spider-Man “rizzing up” Captain Marvel, while others couldn’t help but poke fun at the situation. These reactions highlight the sheer absurdity and entertainment value of the pairing. Whether you view it as a testament to Peter Parker’s charm or just a bizarre comic book quirk, it’s clear that this storyline has left a lasting impression.

Feige’s MCU Romance Decision

As much as some fans might enjoy the idea of Spider-Man and Captain Marvel sharing a romantic moment on screen, it’s unlikely that Kevin Feige will ever allow such a storyline in the MCU. The complex dynamics of both characters, combined with the carefully crafted narratives already in place, make it difficult to justify such a pairing in the films.

That said, the beauty of comic books lies in their ability to explore unexpected and sometimes outlandish scenarios that wouldn’t necessarily work in other mediums. For now, the Spider-Man and Captain Marvel romance will remain a fun, if slightly odd, chapter in Marvel Comics history—one that fans can revisit whenever they feel like indulging in a little bit of “spider-rizz.”

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