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Why Netflix’s ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Final Season Is Sparking Outrage, How It Compares to Game of Thrones’ Infamous Ending

Why Netflix’s ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Final Season Is Sparking Outrage: How It Compares to Game of Thrones' Infamous Ending

In 2019, Netflix introduced the world to Steve Blackman’s The Umbrella Academy, a superhero drama that quickly captured the hearts of audiences with its unique blend of action, drama, and dark humor. As the show progressed through its first three seasons, it garnered impressive ratings and became a fan favorite. However, with the release of its fourth and final season on August 8, 2024, it appears that The Umbrella Academy has achieved something unexpected: it has taken the crown from Game of Thrones as the show with the most contentious ending of all time.

Umbrella Academy Finale Backlash

The Final Season’s Tumultuous Reception

The concluding season of The Umbrella Academy was notably shorter than its predecessors, comprising only six episodes. Unfortunately for the show’s ardent followers, this brevity did not translate into a satisfying conclusion. According to Rotten Tomatoes, while the earlier seasons of the series boasted scores of 77%, 91%, and 91%, respectively, the final season plummeted to a dismal 59%. The disparity is even starker when considering the audience score, which stands at a mere 17% from over 500 ratings.

Critical and Audience Discontent

The critical consensus suggests that despite some redeeming qualities, the final season’s “haphazard race to the finish” overshadowed its merits. Fans, however, have been more vocal in their disappointment. Comments on social media reveal a torrent of frustration, with viewers expressing their discontent over various aspects of the final episodes.

Netflix’s Controversial Ending Revealed

Fans’ Outcry

Among the major grievances was the show’s shortened season, which many felt was insufficient to wrap up the intricate storylines and character arcs that had been developed over the years. The unexpected and unwelcome romantic subplot between Lila (Ritu Arya) and Five (Aidan Gallagher) drew particular ire from the fanbase. “I didn’t understand. I was pissed off. I was angry,”

said Don Castañeda, who portrayed Diego in the series. He expressed his dissatisfaction with the unexpected romantic twist between his on-screen wife Lila and Five, revealing that he had voiced his concerns to showrunner Steve Blackman.

A Tragic and Unfulfilled Conclusion

The series finale is marked by a somber and dramatic turn of events. The Hargreeves siblings make the ultimate sacrifice, choosing death in an attempt to save the world. Yet, the final twist—that the Hargreeves will not exist in the reset timeline—felt abrupt and unsatisfying to many fans who were hoping for a more fulfilling resolution.

The Showrunner’s Perspective

Steve Blackman, the mastermind behind The Umbrella Academy, has acknowledged the varied reactions to the finale. In an interview with, Blackman stated,

“I think the fans will have thoughts on it – I think some will love, some will maybe hate and some will have opinions, but I want to hear their opinions… [What the fans think] does matter to me a lot.”

He expressed that, despite the backlash, he is “proud” of the finale and believes it was the “right ending” for the Hargreeves family.

Game of Thrones vs. Umbrella Academy

With The Umbrella Academy now concluded, the debate over its ending is sure to persist. While the series set a high bar in its earlier seasons, the final chapter has sparked a conversation about what makes for a satisfying conclusion. As Netflix continues to produce content that captures the zeitgeist, the lessons learned from The Umbrella Academy’s finale will undoubtedly influence future shows.

In the end, while the finale may have fallen short of expectations, The Umbrella Academy remains a testament to the power of storytelling, even if the final notes left a sour taste for many. The show’s journey, from its thrilling inception to its controversial ending, will be remembered as one of the most talked-about in recent television history.

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