George R.R. Martin Backs Petition to Save Amazon’s My Lady Jane While Fans Demand He Finish The Winds of Winter

When you think of George R.R. Martin, the mind immediately conjures up visions of sprawling fantasy realms, intricate political intrigue, and a plot that seems to bend time itself. However, there’s another aspect to his persona that has become equally infamous—his prolonged delays in finishing The Winds of Winter. Now, as Martin takes time to advocate for a canceled Amazon Prime show, My Lady Jane, fans are left asking: Why not focus on the book that has been in the works for over a decade?

George R.R. Martin Backs Petition to Save Amazon’s My Lady Jane While Fans Demand He Finish The Winds of Winter
Petition for My Lady Jane returns

Amazon Prime’s My Lady Jane Cancelation Sparks Fan Petition

In August 2024, Amazon Prime made headlines by pulling the plug on a number of its shows, and among them was My Lady Jane. Although the show didn’t break records in viewership, it gathered an enthusiastic fanbase and a strong critics’ score. These fans were dismayed at its cancellation after just one season and quickly rallied behind a petition, hoping to persuade Amazon to reconsider.

Interestingly, the petition has found an unexpected supporter—George R.R. Martin himself. The legendary author expressed his admiration for the show in his blog, Not A Blog, stating:

“I have always loved alternate history, and Jane Grey, England’s nine-days queen, has always fascinated me. Small wonder, then, that I really enjoyed My Lady Jane, a clever and original historical fantasy on Amazon Prime, set in an England full of witches and shapechangers, where Jane lasts more than nine days.”

Martin even went so far as to wish the fans luck in their efforts to save the show, writing:

“The show has a lot of fans, and they have launched a petition to get Amazon to order more. I wish them luck. Jane deserved more than nine days, or eight episodes.”

However, this seemingly innocuous post has stirred up an uproar from his own fanbase.

Fans Demand Focus on The Winds of Winter

For over 13 years, The Winds of Winter has been the white whale for millions of George R.R. Martin fans. The sixth installment in the A Song of Ice and Fire series—the source material behind HBO’s Game of Thrones—has become notorious for its delays. As the years drag on, what once seemed like an eagerly anticipated release has now morphed into a running joke in pop culture.

Fans, of course, have taken every opportunity to voice their frustrations. Following Martin’s post supporting the My Lady Jane petition, a fresh wave of complaints erupted across social media platforms. The general sentiment? Martin should be spending his time finishing the long-overdue book instead of championing other projects.

One user on X (formerly Twitter) sarcastically wrote:

“People should accept that he will never finish the series. He’ll die before that happens, and publishers will just hire someone else to finish the books. It will be George R.R. Martin’s The Winds of Winter written by Amanda Huginkis.”

Another disgruntled fan added:

George R.R. Martin Backs Petition to Save Amazon’s My Lady Jane While Fans Demand He Finish The Winds of Winter
Fans urge Martin to finish

“We could research a way to bring Tolkien back to life so he can write seven more books, and in that time Martin would still not be finished with The Winds of Winter. Hell, I bet he hasn’t even started.”

These reactions are just the latest chapter in the ongoing saga of fans growing increasingly disillusioned with Martin’s priorities.

Is Martin Distracted by Other Projects?

It’s not just My Lady Jane that has caught George R.R. Martin’s attention in recent years. From his involvement with HBO’s House of the Dragon to his role in video game writing (he helped create the world of Elden Ring), the author has kept busy with numerous side projects. This, of course, has done little to soothe the frustrations of fans waiting for The Winds of Winter.

The ongoing delays have not only affected his book series but also the legacy of the Game of Thrones TV adaptation. HBO’s final seasons of Game of Thrones were widely criticized for deviating too far from the source material, leaving fans disappointed and craving the “real” ending from Martin’s books.

As these creative distractions pile up, it’s hard not to see why fans feel left in the lurch. Martin’s occasional public statements about the progress of The Winds of Winter have done little to pacify them, as deadlines come and go without a release in sight.

The Three-Way Battle: Fans, Martin, and the Entertainment Industry

At the heart of this ongoing saga is a three-way battle between George R.R. Martin, his fanbase, and the entertainment industry. On one side, you have Martin, seemingly consumed by his diverse interests and commitments. On the other, you have millions of passionate fans who have invested over a decade waiting for The Winds of Winter. And looming in the background is the entertainment industry itself—constantly pulling Martin in new directions, from TV adaptations to video games.

Caught in the middle, fans are increasingly wondering if they will ever see the conclusion to the beloved series. As one fan on X pointed out, the real loss here isn’t just about a book—it’s about a fading hope:

“The frustration grows, just as much as Martin’s anguish with HBO for ruining his TV adaptations. As this three-way battle continues to rage on, only one party is truly at a loss here—the fans—who can neither get a new book to read nor a faithful adaptation to watch.”

Will The Winds of Winter Ever Arrive?

Despite all the turmoil, one question remains on the minds of every George R.R. Martin fan: Will The Winds of Winter ever be released? The uncertainty surrounding the book’s release has only fueled speculation that the series may never be completed.

While Martin’s support for a canceled Amazon show may seem trivial, it serves as a symbol of a larger issue—the growing rift between the author and his fans. Each new project he takes on, each blog post supporting a side cause, feels like another step away from the world of Westeros and the stories fans have been waiting so long to see resolved.

The irony is not lost on anyone that while Jane Grey deserved more than her nine days, perhaps The Winds of Winter deserves more than 13 years in the making.

George R.R. Martin Backs Petition to Save Amazon’s My Lady Jane While Fans Demand He Finish The Winds of Winter
Martin supports My Lady Jane

As fans continue to voice their frustrations and sign petitions of their own, it seems that George R.R. Martin’s time is running out—not just to complete The Winds of Winter but to restore faith in his ability to deliver. For now, all we can do is wait and hope that one day the long-awaited book will finally arrive. Until then, Martin’s ongoing distractions will remain a point of contention, leaving fans to wonder if the conclusion to their favorite series will ever see the light of day.

With its blend of frustration and anticipation, the ongoing saga of George R.R. Martin and The Winds of Winter mirrors the complexity of the very stories that made him famous. Only time will tell if fans will finally get the ending they’ve been waiting for, or if this literary journey will be cut short, much like Jane Grey’s brief reign.

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