Sebastian Stan’s New Movie ‘The Apprentice’ Faces Backlash Over Trump Portrayal Before Cannes Premiere

Sebastian Stan, known for his chameleon-like transformations in film, is once again in the spotlight with his latest project, “The Apprentice.” Directed by Ali Abbasi and featuring Maria Bakalova, the film dives deep into the early career of Donald Trump, tracing his steps under the mentorship of Roy Cohn and his life with first wife Ivana Trump. However, even before its much-anticipated debut at the Cannes Film Festival, the film has stirred a cauldron of controversy, particularly with its investors.

Sebastian Stan's New Movie 'The Apprentice' Faces Backlash Over Trump Portrayal Before Cannes Premiere
Sebastian Stan’s Bold New Role

Investor Dispute Shadows Film’s Release

Among the film’s backers, billionaire investor Dan Snyder stands out—not just for his financial contributions but also for his stark disapproval after viewing an early cut of the film in February. Sources close to the production revealed that Snyder, a known ally of Trump, expected “The Apprentice” to cast a favorable light on the former president. His expectations were shattered when he encountered what he perceived as a controversial portrayal, including a particularly intense scene involving Trump and Ivana.

Sebastian Stan's New Movie 'The Apprentice' Faces Backlash Over Trump Portrayal Before Cannes Premiere
The Apprentice Hits Turbulence

This scene, which insiders claim has retained its violent and uncomfortable essence, has been a major bone of contention. It draws parallels to a real-life accusation made by Ivana Trump in her 1989 divorce deposition, where she accused Donald Trump of rape—a claim she later retracted, stating in 2015 through The Daily Beast that the story was without merit.

Sebastian Stan's New Movie 'The Apprentice' Faces Backlash Over Trump Portrayal Before Cannes Premiere
Backlash Before Cannes Premiere

Cannes Debut and U.S. Distribution Hopes

As the film gears up for its Cannes debut, it is enveloped in an intense interest from potential buyers and cinephiles alike. This is especially significant as the film’s U.S. distribution is being negotiated in the backdrop of the upcoming November election, making its subject matter all the more relevant. Despite the behind-the-scenes drama, the filmmakers have opted to shun the press and let the film speak for itself, signaling confidence in the story they have crafted over the challenging seven-year production period.

The intrigue surrounding “The Apprentice” is further heightened by the silence from the former president himself regarding the film. Insiders speculate that any comment from Trump would catapult the indie film into the national spotlight, potentially altering its reception and impact.

Sebastian Stan's New Movie 'The Apprentice' Faces Backlash Over Trump Portrayal Before Cannes Premiere
Trump Portrayal Sparks Controversy

Conclusion: The Intersection of Art and Controversy

“The Apprentice” is more than just a biographical drama; it is a reflection of the intricate dance between art and the sensitivities it touches upon. As it stands, the film not only promises to offer an in-depth look at a pivotal figure’s rise but also sparks conversations about the nature of biographical storytelling and the responsibilities it entails. Whether it will sway public perception or simply reignite existing debates remains to be seen as it makes its way onto the global stage at Cannes.

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